Entomophile - a person who loves insects
People who are interested in insects can be called entomophiles. Entomo comes from the Ancient Greek ἔντομος which actually can be translated "dissected" and appears in context with dissecting insects. Entomo came to mean insect and entomophile, insect lover. It can also be a type of plant, or pollen, that is carried by insects rather than by the air.
For our purposes, we are interested in the bugs. Insects make up half the animal biomass on the planet. Some work together in huge societies. Some live only one day or hatch every 17 years. Some eat their mates after copulation. To say they are fascinating would be a substantial understatement.
Entomophile Designs
We've got shirts, calendars and notebooks and a growing list of items you can find that are perfect for people who love and study insects.
Entomophile on Edmonds.Love
Entomophile T-shirts
Entomophile Notebooks
Entomophile Calendars
Entomophile Movies
Top of the list is the French film Microcosmos. Even though it came out in 1996, the photography is still as good as some of the really modern stuff. This movie shows the power of a rainstorm on the lives of insects and has footage of a dung beetle trying to push a round ball of dung up a massive hill backwards. This one is worth owning on DVD, especially if you have kids. The film won five César Awards, including Best Cinematography and Best Music. Be warned, however, there are scenes of slugs mating!
JHANSEN, we think it is AWESOME that you are an entomophile. We took care of monarch butterfly cocoons a few times; it is such an incredible thing to do, to be able to watch the metamorphosis. Thank you for visiting our site and leaving us a comment. We hope you like our insect designs, let us know if you want to see anything in particular and we’ll try to design something for you!
Im an 12 years old entomophile but my mother says im crazy and my brain is like 4 years old like bruh, they need to be grateful that im not always at my phone, i love raising plant, and a year ago i have 4 caterpillar pet but when they try to make the crysalis my mom throw the whole container outside.